01207 230 728 sales@tsec.ltd.uk

Thick Film Power Resistor


TSEC specialise in the design and manufacture of high-quality, reliable, thick film power resistors for demanding industrial applications.​ We focus on delivering custom power resistor solutions in low to medium volume.

We work closely with customers to understand their needs and system constraints in order to design and manufacture application specific thick film power resistors that are the best fit for their application.

Power resistor applications include protection devices and power dissipation applications. Our products are found in Inrush protection applications, High Power / High Voltage Load Banks, grounding resistors, current sensing applications, motors and snubber circuits, among others.

Power Resistor Manufacturing Capability

Our 5000 sq ft United Kingdom based facility is equipped to manufacture a diverse range of thick film power resistor devices. Our focus is on specialised devices tailored to meet the unique requirements of our customers, rather than mass production. From prototype development to customised resistor solutions, our facility is geared towards delivering reliable manufacturing for projects of various scales.

Example products supplied by TSEC include numerous components for Resistor Load Banks with power ratings as high as 25 KWatts @ 140 KVolts. Other examples include High Power Thick Film Resistors 100 mm by 50 mm on 1 mm thick Alumina Ceramic that can handle 500 Watts provided the element temperature is kept constant at approximately 60 °C

To discuss your application specific thick film power resistor requirements, contact TSEC today.

Thick Film Power Resistor Design Issues

When choosing a power resistor for any application, it is vital to consider more than the resistance value, power rating and tolerance. Many factors can affect the performance of the resistor.

The thick film resistor manufacturing process should not leave the power resistor device more prone to damage by one, or more, external stresses. It is, therefore, important to understand power resistor manufacturing limitations and their impact on the design process.

Minor defects can make the resistor less resistant to mechanical damage. Track abrasion can cause thinning (hot spots) and cause failure under surge conditions. A poor choice of materials can result in poor thermal performance.

In most applications, the objective will be to minimise the power resistor dimensions. However, this objective can conflict with thermal management and mechanical constraints that can impact on resistor performance in the final application.

Heat management in power resistor devices is critical to reliable long-term resistor performance. A heatsink can dissipate heat, but it is also important to manage the system environment. Components surrounding the resistor on the circuit board and the effect of temperature rise on their operation should be considered.

Transients and pulses need careful consideration as they can cause an instantaneous temperature rise in the resistor film and damage the resistor. Power resistor design and material selection for both the substrate and the conductor material are important to avoid resistor failure or reduced long-term performance.

Failure to consider these factors during the power resistor design phase may not only impact the performance of the power resistor, but could dramatically shorten its in-service life. There is a lot to consider. TSEC Engineers are always available to offer guidance on resistor selection, design and manufacture for any application.

Required Power Resistor Application Information

​To ensure all potential issues are considered, we require the following information before starting the custom power resistor design process.

• Nominal resistance (Ohms).

• Resistor tolerance.

• Operating temperature.

• Peak voltage.

• Any known transient conditions.

• Dimensional constraints.

• Termination type (and length of pins).

• Coating material (if any).

.Power resistors are used in a many applications where component failure cannot be tolerated. The resistor design and manufacturing process is the key to success.


Please contact TSEC on 01207 230728 to discuss your thick film power resistor manufacture and design.