01207 230 728 sales@tsec.ltd.uk

Specialist Thick Film Resistor Manufacturer


Founded in 2005 but with an engineering heritage extending back over 30 years, we are custom thick film resistor manufacturers.

We design and manufacture application-specific thick film resistor products for demanding applications, in low to medium volume. Our expertise extends beyond production, as we offer comprehensive resistor design and application advice, providing samples for approval when needed. By collaborating closely with our customers, we develop and deliver custom thick film resistor solutions tailored to their unique requirements.

Custom Resistor Design

We work with customers to develop robust custom thick film resistor solutions for a wide range of applications including power supply applications, circuit protection, military (RADAR), medical devices, pressure sensors, motor control, train braking systems and specialist laboratory equipment.

There are a many application and environmental issues to consider if a resistor is to perform to specification over its full in service life. Before starting the design TSEC work with customers to fully understand all elements of the specification.

We then design a resistor capable of long term operation, without performance degradation in the most demanding of applications. We possess extensive expertise in thick film resistor technology, materials, and resistor manufacturing methods honed over many years of industry experience.

Thick Film Resistor Manufacturer

Our 5,000 sq. ft. UK based facility is optimised to support design and manufacture of a wide range of thick film resistor products in low to medium volume. With a highly experienced design team, full control over the resistor manufacturing process and a U.K base we are well placed to support the UK and European marketplace.

We employ specialised materials and processes to manufacture resistor components in through hole, SMD and single in line resistor network footprints.

Thick Film Resistor Engineers

TSEC are an engineering led company with extensive thick film resistor technology engineering experience. Our key engineering people include:

Tore Skjaerstad – B.Eng in Microelectronics and Microprocessor Applications, Tore has worked more than 20 years within the field of thick film industry with designs of advanced thick film hybrid circuits used in AeroSpace, Automotive, Industrial, Medical, Military and Telecom Applications.

Julian Clifford Locke, Has worked in the thick film resistor manufacturing industry for over 30 years with experience of layout design of resistors, R/C, hybrids and the production and development of products and processes.

TSEC design and manufacture Thick Film Resistor solutions. Contact us today to discuss your resistor requirements.

Download our company presentation.

Thick Film Resistors made to order. To discuss your application specific thick film resistor manufacturing requirements call TSEC today on 01207 230 728.